2013 – A few months ago the producers of the television show In Focus, which is hosted by Martin Sheen and airs following Frontline, approached Lou Ranieri and Denise Rizzo, founders of RCS, about an opportunity to participate in their current educational series focusing on educating children with Autism.
In recognizing RCS as a leader in the field of Autism, the producers of In Focus were interested in our approach toward successfully educating children with Autism and sharing our schools ’ uniquely intensive yet loving school program with the world. On February 28th, RCS opened our doors to the In Focus production team to film our school, staff and students at work.
The segment will be 3-5 minutes in length and cover hot topic questions in the field of Autism and Applied Behavior Analysis. It will feature interviews of our President, Denise Rizzo; Daria Gere, a parent representative and Dr. Russell Maguire, a leading clinician in the field who also participates on RCS’ research team. While the exact air date is yet to be determined it will be in approximately 3 months. We will keep you posted as we receive the official air date.
This is a tremendous accomplishment for RCS and we are so grateful to our staff, students, families and administration for working so hard to make a school that we are so proud of and others recognize for its success and innovation.